This is nice, right? This is classy. You got "Wifey" airbrushed right on your ass. Nobody's ever going to look at that ass and think that's a single ass. And that's what marriage is really about.
We've all been to one of those crappy "destination weddings" where your aunt who's getting married at 45 to the guy who installed the air conditioning makes the whole family truck off to some gritty beach somewhere and all the dudes are just sweating like whoa. So these dudes were like "No way to the linen suit, bro, it's Nevernudes or nothing." Also the bride miiiiiight just be a stripper they picked up somewhere.
On the flipside of that, this Russian Goth wedding looks like a cutscene from a Special Olympics Final Fantasy game. Of all the weddings where the bride chooses not to wear a veil, this one is the worst. Seriously, chick has like a twelvehead.
I can understand not wearing white. It means you gave it up before you got hitched, and that's cool. But this? Does this mean you got gang-banged by Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Coalition? Both of you?
Yes, the groom is taking the bride's garter off with his teeth. But that's cool, because she opened all of the bottles of champagne with hers. And yes, I know what you're thinking, but that is actually a bride. You've heard of Say Yes To The Dress? She said yes to a silver tube top.
It's time for the quasi-famous fail of the evening, as Italian boxer Clemente Russo decided that the best look for his special day was something the finest stylists of Milan described to him as "L'Wonderland Pimp." Seriously, the only thing missing is a jewel-encrusted goblet and Lil' Jon.
Okay, so what kind of bride gets a cake in her own likeness? There's so many bizarre Freudian implications to this that it's not even funny. And the groom's face as he carefully incises his new wife's frosting-covered crotch? If he didn't know she was crazy before, he sure as hell knows now.
The traditional wedding cake face smash is usually not performed with such intensity, but who knows what happened here? Thankfully police were on the scene in minutes, getting drunk and asking the DJ to play Achy Breaky Heart.
This is some heavy Euro conceptual steez. "I have a ring." "I have an apple." "I am huge, but you are small." "I am small, but you are huge." And then he unhinges his jaw and eats her head.
Come the fudge on. It's the day you're telling the world "Hey, I'm a classy lady, I'm only gonna get banged by this one dude right here," and you can't even wear underpants? What was your wedding cake shaped like, the best man's penis?
Is there somebody on Heroes who can read minds from a photograph or something like that? Because this dude is thinking some sick stuff. Like "unreleased script to Saw VII" stuff.
This is the groom's actual wedding outfit. He didn't change into this after the vows because his tux chafed, he marched up there in front of God and everybody and married that woman in a Goddamned camo hunting jacket. Christ. But then, this dude's God is probably the Bigfoot monster truck and his Bible is six issues of Hustler duct taped together, so that's probably cool for him.
Marriage: it's a trap.
I know this picture is probably just a "ha ha, jokey joke, look at the bride doing a kegstand" and all, but you know what? These dudes listen to Dave Matthews and probably all have at least one roofie somewhere on their person, the truth is out there.
Look at these two McNuggets. I expect that they'll have their funeral at the same Mickey Ds, where their bodies will be submerged into the fryer while Grimace gives out free milkshakes.
At first I thought "Wow, Riker's gone downhill." And then I thought "Wow, Troi's gone waaaaay downhill." And then I thought "Hell, Elvis actually looks pretty good!"
This is one of those "wacky" pictures that wedding photographers love to have people do because it subtracts from the boredom of trying to make geriatric aunts look vaguely human. Either that or this dude is the Prince of the Mole Kingdom. I've got even odds.
Well, this is nice. We've got a whole damned bulldozer just for us! Most days, there's like ten or eleven people in the scoop of the bulldozer!
Like seriously, dude might just as well be wearing a T-shirt that says "I am marrying you for your enormous, perfect tits." That's barely even a dress. It's like a pair of pasties with a train attached. I can only imagine the fitting for that thing. Actually, I imagine it a lot. Like three or four times a day.
Private Jerry Lerkins returns home from the war on Planet Hambeast with a captured Hambeast woman as spoils of war to be his bride, as per the Interplanetary Combat Code. Wait... we lost that war! Oh, God!
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